2022 USA National Yoyo Contest

by Jeffrey Pang July 02, 2022

After two and a half years of Covid restrictions and such, there was finally a yoyo contest I could go to. I knew a lot of my friends would go so I booked my tickets fairly quickly. I was definitely out of practice from flying all over - I actually almost missed my connecting flight due to a delay in my flight from Toronto. Luckily I made it. I didn't know what to expect since I figured people might still be hesitant to go out to an event this big. I was ready for it though. 

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Triple Zero and Fulvia - Reimagined in Titanium & 7068

by Jeffrey Pang June 14, 2022

When I prototyped these designs for the first time, I wanted to explore something specific. There are two different design related journeys I will attempt to explain since they are a little bit different. Being a new project with different materials, it was a nice challenge to design in both titanium and 7068 aluminum. I didn't actually plan to release these at the same time - but it made sense due to delays and other exploratory reasons.

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Daytona Slimline SE - A Rebirth with Onedrop Side Effects

by Jeffrey Pang April 10, 2022

I didn't go into too much personal details about my life in the last blog post. I think I wanted to - but since it was a colab with CLYW I felt like maybe it would be kind of unprofessional. Its been an emotionally tough start to 2022 but I'm trying to figure out why. This is one of those years I wanted to push myself to grow the business a bit more - with the goal of funnelling everything I made into bigger and more substantial projects (I already put a deposit on a new plastic mold that i am trying to pay off). It's no secret that I went through some rough patches in regards to mental health. Its weird though, because I genuinely think I'm in a better place in life now but every now and then it comes up again. 

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CLYW x Luftverk 2022 - The Alpine

by Jeffrey Pang February 17, 2022

I never got a chance to reflect on the past year with a blog post - I wrote one that involved the future of Luftverk and what I wanted it to look like but I didn't feel comfortable making it public yet. But the space that Luftverk has occupied in this niche industry has changed so much in the past 6 months - When I first started this back in 2015, there was nearly no one who was consistently making titanium yoyos. Today, there are a slew of new companies that customers can choose from, seemingly releasing titanium yoyos on a weekly basis. It makes me excited that titanium yoyos are becoming more widely accepted. I find myself putting more weight on doing collaborations with brands or friends that I think provide a level of value in the community - I was excited when CLYW reached out again

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A Guide to Ultramatte and AMS2488 Type II

by Jeffrey Pang November 16, 2021 2 Comments

I get a lot of questions asking about these two very different finishes. I figured it would probably make sense to have a specific blog post regarding this I could link to in the future. Both Ultramatte and AMS2488 are titanium specific coatings, generally reserved for fasteners in the aerospace and medical industry but their functions as a coating for yoyos are very different.

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The Titanium Executive - A Collab with Ernest and Doc

by Jeffrey Pang October 18, 2021

When I started yoyoing as a kid there wasn't much media. Youtube wasn't really a thing so you only had a few options to learn tricks from. Kens World On a String was a classic go to with jpegs of how to do tricks, and if you wanted to watch videos it would be a painful download of Quicktime or flash videos. But I remember vividly watching a video of a man doing the most creative tricks in an elevator shaft - you would know him as Doctor Popular. I must have learned a dozen of his tricks (and likely you unknowingly have too).

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Acadia BTM - A Bimetal Evolution of Evora

by Jeffrey Pang July 05, 2021

Last few months have been a bit interesting. Things here in Ontario are finally starting to open up again, which feels like a light at the end of the tunnel. I finally got to see my yoyo friends here for the first time since March in 2020 - almost a year and a half. Of course I brought many titanium yoyo prototypes, including the new Acadia. 

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Experimental Design Study pt.1 - The Micra Multiform

by Jeffrey Pang March 11, 2021

For 2021 I started to focus on doing more releases in tighter clusters. The demand and growth has been nice but I realized that more and more people are in the market for higher end products. I have even noticed that more companies are producing yoyos in titanium. I always said I would move on to other projects once other companies started producing the products i felt was missing in the market. The previous triple zero release was a massive success, and it was the largest run I have ever done. I feel like everyone who wanted one got one, even if it was only just.

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000 BTM - The Triple Zero Bimetal

by Jeffrey Pang February 02, 2021 1 Comment

The demand for the Triple Zero was the highest I have ever seen since the original Evora. Two years ago I challenged myself to design something that was a bit different than the rest of the Luftverk releases. It was during a time where I moved to a new city and went through some of the worst depression I had ever experienced. I think looking back at that experience though, it did help shape my design philosophy behind this very yoyo.

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The Evora Rebirth Pt. 2 - AMS2488, Ultramatte & Anodized

by Jeffrey Pang January 16, 2021

I remember the day I released the original Evora. There were existing yoyos out there made from aluminum and plastics, but very few were made from Titanium. Even when companies made titanium yoyos it would be a one and done kind of deal - as the difficulties and quality control needed for titanium was much more risky from a business standpoint. I approached the original Evora project thinking it would be a one run project - up until all 60 original units sold out in under 5 minutes.

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Learning Yoyo Design - Refreshing My Old Taig Lathe

by Jeffrey Pang January 10, 2021

The year was 2006, I was pretty young back then and as a kid I was pretty active on the forums. I had a weird obsession about how different yoyos felt even more so than learning tricks itself. I think a lot of people who like collecting are similar - they tend to appreciate the feel of multiple yoyos which entices them to build up a library that represents their own taste. In 2006, this was less of an option.

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5 Year Anniversary Evora

by Jeffrey Pang November 22, 2020

I was planning to run these anodized, but so many people requested them in raw titanium. Its crazy to think its already been 5 years since I released that yoyo, I think that really changed my life. Looking back, I ended up moving to Prague after Worlds in Tokyo. Traveled all over Europe before moving to the west coast of Vancouver.

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